Today we checked in by using a number scale. Each member
held up on their fingers with what number they felt represented them today. The
scale was from 0-5, with zero being the worst they could imagine feeling and
five being the best. When we did this I saw no 5’s among our group but many 2’s
and 3’s. We said nothing more about our numbers at that point but agreed to
come back to it later if we wanted to.
We started the day by catching up in the workbook for
chapter 17: No One is Perfect. It was difficult to list 3 weaknesses for many
of the members; we spent quite a bit of
our time here, which is great because I believe most were really putting some
thought into this. I asked each person to share just one of those weaknesses.
Before we started I reassured them that I realize it may be difficult and our
group is confidential and should be a safe place to share. In agreement we
continued and noticed some similarities among us. L1 bravely started and told
us she feels math is a weakness for her, her plan is to continue practicing
during the summer. T feels like she doesn’t always listen to her mom and
wants to instead start listening to her. M shared at this point that she
felt the same as T and also wants to try harder to stop and listen to her mom.
S1 related to L1 that math has been tough for her and she is also going to
work hard and practice often. She spoke about getting help at the Club from one
of the teens and feeling better about it. K feels she could listen more to
her mom as well, she wants to try to understand more and change how she reacts
when asked to help out around the house. H3 told us that he doesn’t always
tell the truth and wants to put more effort into thinking before he speaks so
that maybe he will catch himself. S2 feels uncomfortable speaking in front of
large groups and plans to work on this by using opportunities to speak in front
of smaller groups as practice.
A large part of our
conversation surrounded H2 when she asked if she could pass. I didn’t want
her to pass because I felt like she had been a little bit disengaged already
today and really wanted her to connect with the group and create some
friendships. I thought for a moment and suggested that she ask our group. S1 was the first to speak up and provide feedback, she told H2 that she really
likes to listen to others because she feels like then she may be able to help.
L1 suggested that H2 give herself a limit of how many times she can pass
per month. H2 told us she felt she wrote things that were really personal and
could come up with a less personal example to share. This was great problem
solving by the group.
I feel like I say it
every week but these are amazing kids! They supported one another and H2 challenged herself to feel vulnerable. She shared she struggles to ask
permission to pet people’s animals. She thinks this may be rude and wants to
work on being more patient and asking permission. At first I felt like H2 had
dodged a bullet and was avoiding really answering the question but as I
continue to think about it I need to remember that if she really feels strongly
about it, that’s what matters. This could translate into other areas of her
life as well. L1 said that it felt good to share and put it out there.
We then read chapter 18 and 19; they are really into this
book and now when we stop to do workbook it’s not only L1 who gives me a sour
face about it. The group seemed pretty excited to be taking something home and
everyone was participating well in writing down worries to take with them .We
set some ground rules for next session so that they felt comfortable to write
whatever they wanted. For this we would only share about the experience of how
it felt to write down our worries and put them somewhere safe for a night. They
could share a worry if they want to but don’t need to.
We had a quick discussion about what to do with our
remaining time as this session was flying by. I didn’t want them to be
overwhelmed with two think and do assignments and gave the choice to them. Everyone
was up for the challenge and wanted to do the activity for chapter 19 as well.
We got out our Tuli stones and discussed our thoughts for next session.
I suggested that we continue to write things in our notebook
that are personal if that’s what we feel we need. I reminded them that it is a
safe place to write anything they feel and I will not look in them without
permission. To avoid any group member feeling that they can’t share about what
they write I suggested that if they are using it to write things they feel they
would like to keep to themselves always be prepared with one thing they feel
comfortable sharing. This way each of us can have a safe place to get out our
feelings but can also engage in group discussions.
Next time we will have discussion about each experience and
if we have time move on to chapter 20: Forgiveness. Although our time was up all wanted to stay
and talk a little bit about their numbers. Each member shared and did so
without raising hands and waiting for me to lead! This was a great session for