Monday, February 13, 2012

Class Makeup

I would like to discuss the makeup of my group because it was very deliberately done.  My other Club staff were asked to nominate two people each; this was done because I wanted the group to be more diverse than if I had just gone by my opinion.  It is also because there are so many children at the Club who are close to some staff and not others that I knew I would miss some terrific candidates otherwise.  I am going to use the initials of each member in order to preserve anonymity, but knowing a little bit about the participants will greatly enhance your understanding of my comments, and I'm assuming if you're reading that is what you're looking for.  So, without further ado, the ten participants of my class and brief notes on their behavior and personality.

BL - BL is a very quiet young woman but still strong in her personality.  She doesn't have to be loud or pushy to make her presence felt, and so far she is a very active participant in discussions.

CS1 - CS1 is the youngest member of the class and the most easily distracted.  It is difficult at times to keep him from going on tangents.  He is normally a shy boy but is often eager to share in Manadoob.

CJ - CJ is a girl whose personality is difficult to quantify.  On the one hand she is shy and unassuming, but when engaged she is very eloquent and willing to share.  So far, she is one of the bravest members in sharing difficult and potentially embarrassing things.

CM - CM is the quietest of the members and has, through three classes, yet to share once.  However, I have seen her work up the courage and almost share, and I continue to gently prompt her.  I have confidence she will share soon, and I am very excited at the new perspective she will bring.

CS2 - CS2 is a very quiet and unassuming young man.  He seems eager to share but is often intimidated by the prospect of sharing with the group.  I am hoping that as the class continues his confidence will grow.

FR - FR has been the most impressive member of class so far in the depth to which she is willing to share.  She is having some problems in her life and seems eager to share them with the group.  I think, at times, her candor is intimidating to the others, but it is also inspiring.  She is blossoming into a leader before my eyes.

HJ - HJ is the other young member of the class, and like his counterpart, he has some difficulties focusing.  I am hoping that the structure of the class will help him keep his thoughts together better in the future.

KJ - KJ has a special relationship with me and perhaps, of everyone, has the most to learn from Manadoob.  He can be negative and aggressive at times, and I am looking forward especially to the section on bullying with KJ.

MZ - MZ is the calm center of the class around which all of the members orbit.  MZ has had some difficulties, but he is so strong and stable and willing to share that he has become the anchor of sanity for a very diverse group.

RJ - RJ has significant behavior problems and I wasn't sure whether or not she would be able to participate.  So far, the behavior contract that I made up has served to reign her in when she gets upset and I think she will be able to stay in the class.  If she does, I have do doubt that she will benefit from it immensely.

That's it.  I will also throw out a nod to DK, a girl who was in my class last year and who I have chosen as my wonderful assistant and who amazed me last year and continues to do so in the role of assistant instructor.  I am excited for DK, who got so much out of her class, to see it from the level of instructor and get a completely different hit on it this time around.


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