Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Session 7

We started the day with recap for members who had been missing the previous week and continued on in our workbook to complete chapter 8. I encouraged group members to lead the recap and fill in their peers about what had been missed. I notice that when I start setup and handout materials the group has settled into a routine and a seating pattern.

I was a little worried going into this session because leading up to the start I had been talking with H2 who had a very rough end of the day. She had exchanged words with a Club member on the bus and was feeling particularly upset about the situation. I was worried H2 would be withdrawn and I didn't think she would even show up. I had given her the option to check in with me before Manadoob to let me know if she was up for it, she surprised me by taking her place in line and attending.

We started at question number four, talking about someone in life who understands you like Pete understands Wella. L1 shared that she feels her pets understand her; she described the personalities of her dog and bunnies and how they support her in different ways. She shared that she feels they are her “sun” they brighten her day and surround her with warmth. I appreciate L1 willingness to share about her pets and her bravery to challenge the rest of the group to think and answer these questions in whatever way may be their truth and not what they may feel is an “expected” answer.  H3 shared that he feels his mom really understands him and supports him. He told how she cheers for him during sports and he thinks that’s really nice. H2 shared, which I felt very proud of since she did have a trying day. It was a big step for her to remain open and willing to interact.

The whole group was especially excited to start an activity, which was starting their windsocks. I gave the directions several times, M still struggles to stay focused during our sessions and I think struggles to fully grasp what we are discussing at times. The group is patient with her but I think that they notice as well and wonder why.

We still had time so after discussing chapter 8 we moved on and read chapter 9 learning about the strange things happening to Wella, the feeling of being pushed toward the river and finding Cruz's bowl out. We worked on the activity, writing down three things that feel uncomfortable and putting them in the bag with the Iduna stone. We will wait for the next session to talk more about this and members left their pouches here at the Club to ensure we will be able to check on them next time. 

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