Thursday, March 8, 2012

Manadoob Art

Something I have tried this year is to incorporate art projects into my Manadoob program for every class that we have.  I am lucky because I have an art room and a fantastic art teacher (I'm a strong writer, but drawing, not so much).  Each project was designed between myself and Lindsay, one of our resident artists, with the express purpose of highlighting and reinforcing lessons covered that week.  Manadoob does such a phenomenal job of stimulating multiple senses while teaching that I thought a more active art component would be great.  Not all of my Manadoob students do the art projects, but some do and a number of kids that aren't in Manadoob do them as well.  Lindsay fosters discussions and conversation about the topics as they do the art projects.  Overall, it has been very successful and a valued addition to the curriculum.  So, with special thanks to Lindsay, here is our list of collaborative projects thus far.  This list ends at Chapter 18 because that is how far we got in planning.  That isn't until late April so I'll pass along the rest of the projects when I have them. 

Chapter 1 - Lindsay had youth do collages of the different ways people dress, eat, and live. 

Chapter 2 & 3 - Each youth did their personal family tree, made up of all family members not just blood relatives.

Chapter 4 - Harry Potter fans will recognize this immediately.  We had the children draw pictures of their individual fears but then add something to the pictures that made them look ridiculous and not scary (a real example:  giant spider with a crazy afro!).

Chapter 5 - We missed this one because of some unforeseen events but the idea was making animal sculptures with random different parts, much like the make your own Manadoob project.

Chapter 6 & 7 - Members made an image celebrating the life of someone they loved but who is out of their life now (passed away, moved away, etc.).  All members also contributed to a group portrait to illustrate and celebrate diversity.

Chapter 8 & 9 - Everything from this point forward is a future project.  Members will make a comic strip dealing with coping with loss and how to overcome loss and move forward and be in the present.

Chapter 10 & 11 - All Lindsay wrote is Mobile!  I can tell she is excited but I'm not quite sure how the theme will play in...

Chapter 12 - We are going to make a giant hand, with each finger containing aspects of what make our members special.  The final piece will be displayed in our Club.

Chapter 13 & 14 - Members will draw an object, erasing repeatedly to show that mistakes are okay, and producing a final project that has clearly gone through many iterations.

Chapter 15 & 16 - Members will illustrate a situation when they felt bullied.  Color will be heavily emphasized to show how different colors correlate to feelings.  They will then, again emphasizing color, draw a picture of themselves when they were a bully.

Chapter 17 & 18 - This is the Manadoob windsock project, except they will be making their own since not all of the members are in Manadoob.  I may be able to scrounge up some leftover windsocks from last year.


  1. I just love this idea. Please do provide more details on your art projects as you, Lindsay and the children work on these. This form of expression is so important and I know others working with the Manadoob Program will want to incorporate some of these ideas.

    1. I definitely will. I'll also reference them as I blog to let you all know which ones worked well and which ones were less popular.

  2. Ryan this is awesome!Last year I had the children make their own Manadoob characters out of clay.The next week they painted
    them ,named them and described them(ie:Jonas-half whale ,half dog" and big,strong,gentle and loyal but can be lazy and snippy at times") It was very popular-even my "too cool for this class" kids jumped in with enthusiasm.I am excited to see all your other ideas and can't wait to use them in the fall.Please thank Lindsay also! :)

    1. Thanks for the comment. I will pass along to Lindsay how supportive and excited many of you are, and if you have any ideas about themed art projects please let me know!
